is our new blog home and we have moved to Ethiopia.
There is some difficulty in logging into this service from within Ethiopia, so we have been unable to update these pages. We decided to host our own site at and have been busy importing and updating that site so please check there.
These pages will stay up here, however, there may not be many updates ... I may get the the chance to place an auto-redirection here, but in the mean time visit us at our new site. The comments here will still send us an email if you want to get in touch and have lost our addresses for example.
Monday, December 29, 2008
We Have Moved to
Posted by JPW at 4:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Cooling off
Posted by JPW at 6:59 AM 4 comments
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Claire discovers ice cream
During our recent trip to Cheyenne, Gramma and Grampa introduce Claire to chocolate ice cream at the Dairy Queen.

Nancy attempts to remove too large a bite - gets a big bite herself (remember you can click on the photos to see full sized images)
Posted by JMR at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Rough Re-enty due to Delta Airlines
We spent about a week on the East Coast with a trip into NYC for the American Museum of Natural History, but spent most of our time at Nancy and John's up on their little piece of heaven outside of Cold Spring. We saw bald eagles, hawks, turkeys, deer and big black snake, all while were out picking wild raspberries, and a few black berries and blue berries too - this was a nice re-introduction to the US
We unfortunately were stuck in JFK airport for nearly 36 hours for delays of various reasons, but when our final flight was canceled after 1:00 am for weather, we were advised that Delta Airlines would not be helping us in anyway, and no hotels were available, so there we went with 2 crying kids and our little baby without further food or diapers to find a quiet gate to sleep by until our first chance for stand by the following night. I understand that weather and things are not their fault, but with few exceptions, we were treated quite poorly by Delta Airlines staff - like "Why don't you pack more burn medicine for your daughter?, or food or diapers for the baby etc" Uh, over 3 oz, we had enough for the first 29 hours, but really - as one of their frequent fliers and sitting there on the floor with 11 thousand dollars worth of tickets I am really questioning why I should ever trust them again.
Heck, I even have a picture of one of their planes I used to think was nice looking a couple of entries down. I know we have had just over a thousand visitors to the this blog, but like us many of you are around that 100,000 miles a year mark for the airlines so, I am urging you to think twice before purchasing airline tickets from Delta.
We missed nearly all of Frontier Days, but took in the last parade and a few minutes of rodeo and carnival - Cheyenne is a bit sleepy and slow, but nice for us to rest up and let Tess heal up a bit from her urban camping complications from the floor at the Delta terminal in JFK. Cheyenne has great new library, named library of the year by the National Library Assoc., and one of the 10 best on National Public Radio. So, this is our office for the next couple of weeks
We will likely be moving to Arizona very soon and getting the kids started in school - it starts this Monday Aug 4th! But the big question right now is wether we drive or dare to fly.
Posted by JPW at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Definitely NOT Delta Airlines
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
WozBoy Launched!
Jacob has decided to launch his own blog at - actually he wants his own website with an easier to remember name to stay in touch with his friends as we get ready to leave Accra. The distinction between a blog and a website isn't exactly as clear to be as it is to his perceptions, however, I think what he has in mind is a bit more of a video blog that he works out on his OLPC - if any of you have seen the iJacob Show videos he makes on his little green monster you will know what I mean.

My how times have changed from when most of us were growing up. I pretty much grew up with computers I suppose and used BBS and Gopher before the "Web" and Minix way before there was a Linux, but I still choke when I have to use the word "blog". Anyway, I have pretty much avoided any tech discussion on these pages, just try to keep the pictures going up (More Baby pictures coming soon I promise!) Despite my techie bent I still tend to be more impressed by the old media and proud of my son's talents with those. He has posted his painting shown here on his blog too, but I encourage you to go and see it there.
Posted by JPW at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
Tess in Urban Camouflage
We attended a birthday party recently and Tess's bathing suit was in the exact color scheme as the water-slide - we just hope you can find her. Jeanne captured these photos.
Posted by JPW at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Backyard Safari
This was actually much more exciting than it sounds. We really saw quite few fairly exotic looking animals, plants and even some fungus. We set out well armed with bug repellent, radios, flash lights and cameras. We did an afternoon after school, and a holiday mornings - so just a few hours really. We are trying to officially identify what are probably fairly common animals, so if you happen to be able to identify something we'd be happy to hear from you. There were a few creatures that were to fast or too shy or just frankly prefer the nightlife (so we may find a photo elsewhere on the web until we can get our own).The number of photos we got was actually pretty large, and probably not as interesting to everyone else as it was to us.
However, if you find our Safari Gallery interesting see it in it full resolution glory with captions and other photos by clicking
Posted by JPW at 10:56 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Leaving on a jet plane
Jeanne, Claire and Tess were on this 767 when I took this picture. This is the Delta flight, Accra to New York, that flies over our house most days of this week, but today I had a reason to snap it's picture as it passed by. They'll be heading down to Washington DC, in the morning, but I will spare you the photo of the Chevy Impala or whatever the rental car is, but I thought this photo of their plane came out much better than expected.
Posted by JPW at 1:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Believe and his sister Nancy came to stay
Marie's son Believe is looking quite handsome. (An update May 24, 2008: Believe is quite sick and is in the hospital in Togo. He has malaria, but it wasn't likely the cause of his illness, which remains unknown. Our prayers and concerns go out to him and his family. Please pray for his speedy recovery.)
He was in the hospital about one month, with some issue surrounding his kidney function, but the cause was never exactly determined, however he has been here in Ghana for about a week and recently celebrated his birthday with us and seems almost back normal, just a bit skinnier.
Posted by JPW at 1:33 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
GIS holds bedtime reading week
Jacob's school held its first bedtime reading week this past week, culminating in "Dress like your favorite book character" assembly.
Jacob is Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean (interestingly, from a post-modern point of view, a theme-park ride character turned into a movie character turned into a book character).
As usual, if Jacob does something, Tess has to do it too, so here is Tessie the Cowgirl at the assembly too.
Posted by JMR at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Patrick and his girls
Here is Patrick with his two girls early (pre-coffee!) on Easter morning. Note Tess is eating her rabbit!
Posted by JMR at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Claire Elizabeth's first Easter Celebration
We had a great time dyeing eggs and celebrating with friends and lots of kids. Claire really took it all in.

Jacob and Anaïs showed how to get the best colors

Tess and her friends get a pre-egg hunt mission briefing
Posted by JPW at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 04, 2008
Tess is recovering well
Thank you all so much for your support and your prayers.
Tess is making a remarkable recovery and at the hospital she was able to play a bit with her family at the playground.
Still lots of visits to doctors and therapists, but you can see in her face all the progress she has made.
Both Tess and Jacob have been spending a fair amount of time at the local library where this picture was taken.
Posted by JPW at 8:47 PM 0 comments