Friday, May 30, 2008

Tess in Urban Camouflage

We attended a birthday party recently and Tess's bathing suit was in the exact color scheme as the water-slide - we just hope you can find her. Jeanne captured these photos.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Backyard Safari

Agama Lizard

This was actually much more exciting than it sounds. We really saw quite few fairly exotic looking animals, plants and even some fungus. We set out well armed with bug repellent, radios, flash lights and cameras. We did an afternoon after school, and a holiday mornings - so just a few hours really. We are trying to officially identify what are probably fairly common animals, so if you happen to be able to identify something we'd be happy to hear from you. There were a few creatures that were to fast or too shy or just frankly prefer the nightlife (so we may find a photo elsewhere on the web until we can get our own).The number of photos we got was actually pretty large, and probably not as interesting to everyone else as it was to us.

However, if you find our Safari Gallery interesting see it in it full resolution glory with captions and other photos by clicking

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Leaving on a jet plane

Jeanne, Claire and Tess were on this 767 when I took this picture. This is the Delta flight, Accra to New York, that flies over our house most days of this week, but today I had a reason to snap it's picture as it passed by. They'll be heading down to Washington DC, in the morning, but I will spare you the photo of the Chevy Impala or whatever the rental car is, but I thought this photo of their plane came out much better than expected.